Friday, December 31, 2010

Twice the Good News

The good news is that I've sold another story. This one to Andromeda Spaceways In-Flight Magazine. Some time ago, David Conyers and I wrote a Harrison Peel story named “The Masked Messenger,” now it has found a home.

The other good news is that I have sold “N is for Neville” to Miskatonic River Press's Dead But Dreaming 2. David Conyers, Erik T. Johnson and Wilum Pugmire have also sold stories to this anthology, so I will be in excellent good company.

1 comment:

  1. Great news John, on both pulbications.

    As for Dead But Dreaming 2, you might have mistaken me for Brian M. Sammons, who has a story in that antholoyg, but I don't. At least not that I know about.

